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Free Printable Whitney Collection Planners in Ocean by Eliza Ellis - includes daily planners, weekly planners, meal planners, to do lists, goal planners, monthly calendars, planner covers, planner stickers, routines, housework planners, grocery lists, financial planners and much, much more!

The Whitney Planners in Ocean are one of my favourite designs and I fell in love with the background pattern as soon as I saw it.


The gorgeous moody blue and buff is so reminiscent of our childhood holidays in Sorrento - we'd often visit at Easter when the beach was darker and all foamy waves, driftwood and capricious winds. I have so many memories of being rugged up and running wild along the beach, seeing how close we could get to the waves without getting wet, all while the wind whipped our hair and carried our laughter away. Sigh. #goodtimes I actually almost named these planners Sorrento!

The beautiful background paired with a relaxed hand written font makes The Whitney Ocean Planners a delight to use, and you'll find little decorative scribbles throughout the pages - again reminiscent of gusts of wind, raindrops and the seaside.

The decorative parts have been applied lightly to pages I know you'll use often - like daily planners and to-do lists, with more colour on pages that you'll only print once - like covers and information pages.

I hope these planners bring you memories of those epic childhood holidays spent at the beach too!

Eliza xx

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